Monday, March 4, 2013

SuperTarget T-1935

 Opened in 2004 to replaced existing 1992 store which is now a church


Target T-8077 Hollywood FL

                                                              Originally published in March Opened in 1993 on site of former 1960's Hollywood Mall (Sears Mall) the Sears location along with Publix, in 1980-1 Adam Walsh son of John Walsh host of America's Most Wanted was abducted in the Sears store later he was murdered an kidnapped by Ottis Toole. After that in 1992 the Sears relocated from Hollywood Mall along with JCPenney from a another mall to Pembroke Lakes Mall after the HOLLYWOOD Mall Sears location Relocated to Pembroke Pines later that year the former Sears was demolished in 1993 Target at time was Dayton-Hudson or Swerdlow was to build a Target store on the site of the Sears the relocated
 Had P97 interior until around 2001-2004 when it was remodeled into an P01 store